High Heels and Training Wheels: A Vision in Grey



A Vision in Grey

I don't know where this look even came from. I didn't see it anywhere, no "pinspiration" of any kind to guide me. Though I'm sure I'm not the first to go all grey....and I don't just mean my hair! Ba Dum Pssh! Thems jokes people! But I unearthed this sweater from the bottom of my winter box and decided to give it a whirl and these jeans are my clear favorite....and let's be honest, they were the only pair that were clean. And so, coupled together, my vision of grey was created.

How to wear all grey

How to wear all grey

How to wear all grey

How to wear all grey

How to wear all grey

How to wear all grey

How to wear all grey
Sweater- Goodwill // Button Up- Old Navy // Jeans- Old Navy // Heels c/o Payless // Bag- Kohls // Glasses c/o Firmoo // Necklace c/o Oasap // 

I feel like this look is very "mom on the go" or "PTO meeting". In fact, I wore this on a field trip to the history museum. Cliche much? But even though I am a mom, I don't want to dress like one; that's what I'm trying to stay away from. But I don't want that sad look of trying to appear younger than I am either. You've seen both ends of the spectrum; you know what I'm talking about. It's a delicate balance, really. I've struggled with it ever since I brought home my oldest son. I had made this huge change and I was someone's mom now, but I was still only 20. The look of a mom and the look of a 20 year old are very different things. I had this idea in my head that I need to look "responsible" and "mature" but at the same time, I don't want to look old. You know what mom jeans are! There is a middle ground, you just have to find it. And even though I am most definitely not 20 anymore, it's still a balancing act. Honestly, it's probably just an imaginary line I drew in my own head, but nevertheless, I still try to walk that fine line. But I ain't mad at it. This was cozy and comfortable. Even the heels!

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High Heels and Training Wheels!

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