High Heels and Training Wheels: Best DIY Beauty of 2013



Best DIY Beauty of 2013

Hey, guys! You probably know by now that I love the world of fashion and beauty. However, I take an extremely frugal approach to it. My blog's entire purpose was to motivate women, like me, who don't have much money for it all. Just because you can't prance around in Prada or play around with the latest MAC product, doesn't mean you have to give up. I think moms are the biggest victim to this misconception and thus mom jeans and pony tails were created. Don't get me wrong, I love a good pair of sweatpants but we don't have to be limited to that. As it turns out, beauty DIY-style can be a great solution to low funds. These recipes are just as good (if not better) at meeting your needs, but best of all, it's at a fraction of the cost! So since we are at the start of 2014, I thought it would be a great time to do a roundup of my DIY beauty posts from 2013.

This year has brought some amazing beauty recipes and they have completely changed the way I look at skin and hair care. I have never thought of myself as "granola" but we go through life being conditioned to think that fancy brands and complex ingredients are the things that make a product the best. (I'm in the middle of a Mad Men marathon, I know where that started!) Ingredients from the kitchen are not what most of us think of when we think "beauty products" but I've come to find that they can actually be the best when you want results. So break out your inner "hippy"; it's time for us to simplify, ladies! I'm dusting off all of these posts from the year to re-share them with you so you can get to the kitchen and start creating! 

This has been my greatest find this year. I'll even dare to go so far as to say it has changed my life. For women, hair can be a huge burden and can make or break the kind of day you're going to have. With No Poo, "bad hair days" are a thing of the past!
This mask, for me, is more of a spot treatment. The ingredients in this will clear up any breakout in 24 hours. Got a special occasion? Don't let a breakout ruin it! You can clear it up with 2 simple and inexpensive ingredients.

3. DIY Foot Soak: Get Rid of Cracked Feet in 15 Minutes
This foot soak is especially good for those dry winter months. 15 minutes in this soak will take your feet from dry and cracked to soft and smooth. Even better? You probably already have all of the ingredients on hand!

4. Coconut Oil Hair Mask
This mask can bring your hair back from the dead! Not only does it help with the look and feel, it can help your hair's long-term health. This, again, is especially good for dry weather when we're battling static. No funny concoctions; all you need is coconut oil to say farewell to frizz and split ends forever!

5. Orange Juice Face Mask
This mask is great for brightening your skin and for reducing your pores. It's ingredients can exfoliate as well as deep clean and the results are immediate.

6. Honey Face Mask
This is my favorite face mask of all; it makes your skin glow! This mask will brighten your skin and lighten dark spots. The ingredients have antibacterial properties too, so it can also help with breakouts. My skin always appears rejuvenated, evened out and feels so smooth afterwards.

I really hope you give some of these a try! I promise that you will be pleasantly surprised and will never spend $30 on some cleanser/serum/treatment ever again! The individual ingredients in these masks have so many different properties and do things that commercial products just can't do. You could even create your own recipe by mixing and matching what you already have on hand! There are many, many more DIY options out there that I want to check out; dry shampoo, toner and makeup remover just to name a few. I look forward to sharing those with you in 2014! In the meantime, have fun with these and good luck!

You can also find High Heels on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube!


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