High Heels and Training Wheels: Style Favorite: The Ankle Boots



Style Favorite: The Ankle Boots

So just this last week, I did a 2014 recap of all my favorite outfits from the last year. As I was looking through them all and seeing them all in one place, I noticed there were definitely some pieces making frequent reappearances. This makes sense, of course, if you've read my guide to an easy closet overhaul. But for those of you who haven't read it (for shame!) this really showcases how I choose the pieces I purchase and how I use those pieces to maximum versatility. So to branch out from my guide, I'm going to try to wrangle up a little mini series of "Ways to wear: blah, blah, blah". It sounds really classy, doesn't it? No but seriously, my goal is to share how much life one small purchase can have in it, when you shop smart.

Suspect No. 1- The Ankle Boots. I was actually quite wary when I made this purchase. In my mind, at the time, I viewed these boots more as a fun splurge than a practical staple. I didn't expect to get much wear out of them; just a touch here and there. However, as usual, I turned out to be wrong. These boots have taken me across the seasons and back again. So after noticing there were repeats, I rounded the rest of the booties up and slapped them down here for a "How to wear: ankle boots" shin dig.

5 different outfit ideas from ankle boots
Leopard and Leather- Full Post
This is when the boots were brand new and I was completely enamored with them. I honestly can't think of a better pair of shoes to complete this outfit. The outfit itself isn't the favorite of all I've worn, but for what it is, the boots look great with it.

5 different outfit ideas for ankle boots
Distressed Flannel- Full Post
This outfit, however, was my first time wearing a plaid. I loved this shirt, but I knew it could become very "lumberjack" in a hot minute and I needed to be careful how I styled it. The boots keep it chic and stylish and away from country bumpkin.

5 different outfit ideas for ankle boots
Aztec- Full Post
This is another one that I couldn't picture a better pair to complete this outfit. Riding boots could have worked, but these give it a little more "oomph" and makes it look more put together.

5 different outfit ideas for ankle boots
Lace- Full Post
This was my first time wearing boots with a dress. Ordinarily I would only ever pair a dress with sandals or wedges. And while that would have looked nice too, it was nearing fall and the boots kept this dress relevant and brought it into the new season.

Military- Full Post
Ah, the military jacket. I wanted one of these for so long before I finally got this one. I ordered it online so I wasn't able to try it on; I was surprised at how big it was when it arrived. With this style and roomy size, the look ran the risk of looking like I was headed for combat. Once again, the boots saved this look and immediately made it chic instead of frumpy.

Now these aren't all my "favorite outfits" or anything, just a mash-up of all the ankle boots in one place. Hit or miss, win or lose, there's no denying the old girls have some life in them. Unfortunately the original pair are sold out. whomp whomp #sadface but I did find some other great similar options.

1.Michael Antonio  2.Zigi  3.Michael Antonio 4.Isaac Mizrahi  5.Kelsi Dagger  6.Sam Edleman  7.LuLus  8.Saks Fifth Avenue 9.Charlotte Russe

I love all of these options; some even more than the pair I have (#2 and 3 are rocking my world!)! But either way, the ankle booties have been a great, versatile addition to my humble closet. Its always great to be able to wear something over and over again, and staples are a must have for a wardrobe on a budget! So I have to ask...

What is one of your favorite staple pieces?
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