High Heels and Training Wheels: Help a Sista Out!



Help a Sista Out!

OK, so I've changed my blog's design a couple times in the last month already. I told you guys, I'm squirmy. And I am incredibly indecisive. It's probably a good thing I can't afford plastic surgery. Nah I'm sayin? So anyway, I visit numerous blogs every single day and everyone has such beautiful blog designs and get to hatin on my own. In the moment I'm coming up with a blog design, I love it. Best design ever. But once I settle on one I think, man I should have gone with another one! So I need your help. I've put my design options together in "blog" format so you can see what the finished result would be and I need a vote. Maybe if I can get enough people to agree that the one I choose is top dog, I might stick with it for longer than a month....well, here's hoping. 


2. Lipstick is a Girl's Best Friend

3. Chanel

4. The Stiletto

5. The Golden Ticket

6. Stop My Heart 

7. My Current Design
I think I'm leaning towards XOXO, The Golden Ticket or Stop My Heart. But I want to know what you think. And I found this super cool poll thing so vote away!
Which is Your Favorite Blog Design?

 photo Signature.png
You can also find High Heels on TwitterFacebook and Pinterest!

linking with: Let's Get Social // Sunday FUNday  // Busy Monday / Marvelous Monday / Make the Scene / Craftastic / Mad Skills / Motivate Me / Monday Funday/Inspire Me Monday / Make-It-Yourself / Manic Monday //YOLO Mondays // The Collective // Monday Mingling // Market Yourself Monday // Miscellany Monday // Mode Monday // Anything + Everything // I Love Bloglovin' // Mom's Monday Mingle // Smile // Can't Figure Out Monday 

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