High Heels and Training Wheels: Le Tote: One Shirt, Two Ways



Le Tote: One Shirt, Two Ways

It's the debut of my Le Tote loot! I introduced you to Le Tote last week and this week I'm featuring all of the pieces from my first tote. The first is this flowy, lavender top.




top c/o Le Tote
You know, I'm not positive or anything, but I think the top might look better without all the wrinkles. I mean what the french, toast?? The DSLR is great but it picks up things you just don't see in person. I promise I wasn't walking around all day, sporting wrinkles, trying to start a new fad or anything! 
So do you love the top? (Despite the plethora of wrinkles) Want to try your own? Well, I promised you ladies a Le Tote exclusive code and I make good on my promises! For instant access to Le Tote and for a free (I just love that word!) tote bag you can cruise your booty on over to Le Tote and use code LOVETOTES14
I have been using mine like crazy! So go get your own!

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