High Heels and Training Wheels: Pocket Perfection



Pocket Perfection

Hey guys! It's another day, another outfit! Still keeping the fashion train rolling. I love when simplicity, in itself, makes an impact. There isn't any one "statement" piece that gives this outfit it's appeal; it's the right combination of simple pieces coming together that's makes the statement.

This outfit is the perfect example of how having staple pieces in your closet can be a huge benefit. A black blazer can be worn so many ways and it has real lasting power; it's always in style. This is definitely not news to anyone. We all know this already. But once you have it in your arsenal, so many options immediately open up; pieces like these are definitely a secret weapon to looking great on a budget. Same with this shirt. A shirt neutral in color, with a classic cut, gives you so much to work with. Once I have my basics, I can add my trendy piece; today I chose colored skinnies. I also chose simple black boots for a casual look but throw on a pair of heels and this outfit can go straight from daytime to nighttime. How's that for stretching a tight budget? One outfit: two ways. Boom.

Blazer- Target // Chiffon Button Up c/o PersunMall.com // Burgandy Skinnies- Target // Booties- Forever 21

It's definitely fun to get those trendy pieces and I tended to gravitate toward them in the past but it always resulted in "closet full of clothes and nothing to wear" syndrome. Trendy pieces can be impractical and get expensive when you don't have a base to build off of. This shirt was only $14 so I have another great basic staple that was an even better price. Score!
I'm still learning to shop smart so I can build a base wardrobe of classic pieces but I'm getting there. This blog has been a learning curve and I now give my clothing pieces some more thought. I originally started it just to motivate myself but it has turned out to be an education. Whether you have oodles of money for fashion or not, I definitely recommend looking into your closet and determining how many ways each item can be worn. It will definitely open your eyes to what you need and what you can go without. Until next time...

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